Liability Waiver
Surfboard Damage Waiver Agreement
Solid Surf House
This waiver outlines the responsibility for any damage to surfboards provided by Solid Surf.
By signing below, you agree to the following:
1. Your Responsibility
- Use the surfboard with care.
- Avoid actions that could damage the board, like hitting rocks or leaving it in the sun for too long.
2. If Damage Occurs
- Notify us immediately.
- You will be responsible for repair costs or replacement if the board is beyond repair.
Fiberglass/Epoxy Surfboard
- Broken / Lost fin – € 20
- Broken fin plug / box – € 40 upwards
- Creased board – € 65 upwards
- Snapped (Broken) – € 150 until € 215
- Dings – € 35 upwards depending on size and quantity
Soft top Surfboard
- Broken / Lost fin – € 15
- Creased Board – € 55 upwards
- Snapped (Broken) – € 130 until € 200
- Dings – € 30 upwards depending on size and quantity
- Broken / Lost – € 20
In case you snap your surfboard and you lose the other half you will be liable to replace the entire surfboard. Also if you lose the surfboard you will pay the full retail price for a new replacement surfboard.
3. Acknowledgment
Surfing comes with risks. Please handle the equipment responsibly.
By signing, you agree to these terms and accept financial responsibility for damages as outlined.
Guest Information
Name: …
Contact Number: ….
Date: … / … / …..